Microwave suppliers

10 Ghz

Texas microwave email Lothar@texasmicrowave.com

Bert Modderman, PE1RKI https://www.pe1rki.com/10ghzamplifiers.html

OK1FPC email ok1fpc@seznam.cz

Downeast Microwave https://www.downeastmicrowave.com/

Component Suppliers

Total Frequency Control Ltd https://www.tfc.co.uk/products.php

RFzero https://rfzero.net/shop/

Toby for plugs and connectors toby.co.uk

Mouser http://mouser.com

Radio Spares https://uk.rs-online.com/web/

Farnell https://uk.farnell.com/?cmp=os-flag-uk-farnell.com

DigiKey https://www.digikey.com/


Copper for heatsinks https://www.metals4u.co.uk/

Cooper and other metals https://metallstore24.de/

Cooper for heatsink https://www.johnkeatleymetals.com/shop/copper/copper-bar-flat/

  • use Tellurium Copper, which is a short-chipping free-machining grade C109/CW118C for heatsinks
  • Sulphur Copper C111 also machines well, but some like C101 or the oxygen-free grades are horrible gummy stuff